25 Most Powerful Passport Ranking 2024 full list

world most powerful passport ranking index ranking full list

Imagine your passport as a magical key that unlocks doors to different countries around the world. The more doors it opens, the “more powerful” it is, right ?

That’s basically what the World’s Most Powerful Passport Index Ranking tells you!

This ranking is like a giant scoreboard, showcasing which passports grant the most travel freedom.

The top passports are basically golden tickets, letting you waltz into dozens of countries without needing a visa beforehand.

Pretty cool, huh ?

How does passport ranking index works ?

Think of it like counting how many friends your passport has made. Each visa-free country it pals with gets it a point. The passport with the most friends, or visa-free destinations, wins the crown !

But it’s not just about counting.

The ranking also considers things like how easy it is to get visas for the remaining countries and how long you can stay without one.

Now, who can join this cool passport party ?

Every single passport in the world gets invited !

From tiny island nations to giant continents, everyone participates. It’s a fair competition, no matter how big or small the country is.

How is it decided ?

This isn’t a popularity contest, it’s all about data !

Researchers use information from a special database that tracks visa requirements for all countries. They then count how many countries each passport holder can visit without needing to apply for a visa or get one upon arrival.

The country with the most visa-free destinations gets the top spot, and the list goes down from there.

But wait, there’s a catch!

Just like not everyone wins gold at the Olympics, some passports don’t rank as high.

This could be because they don’t have many visa-free agreements with other countries, or maybe getting visas for the rest is a real headache.

So, why is this ranking important ?

Well, if you’re a travel bug who loves exploring new places, having a top-ranked passport opens up a world of possibilities.

Having a powerful passport can be a huge advantage. It means you can travel more freely, explore new places, and connect with different cultures without the hassle of visa applications.

It can also make it easier to do business internationally.

Plus, it’s kind of like a superpower !

Imagine bragging to your friends, “My passport can get me into 180 countries without even asking!” Pretty impressive, right ?

Remember, this ranking is just a guide.

Things to remember

  • The rankings change all the time, so what’s powerful today might not be tomorrow.
  • The score isn’t everything! Some countries might have lower scores but offer easier visa processes or longer visa stays.
  • It’s just one factor to consider when planning your travels. Other things like your budget, interests, and travel goals are also important.

25 Top Most powerful Passport Ranking Index 2024

 Most powerful passport Ranking Index 2024
RankPassportVisa-free destinations
1United Arab Emirates179
2Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands178
3Sweden, Finland, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland177
4Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Ireland176
5Greece, Norway, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Hungary, South Korea175
6Singapore, Japan, Slovakia, United States, New Zealand174
7Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Israel173
8Chile, Liechtenstein, Slovenia172
9Malta, Iceland, Hungary171
10Andorra, Monaco, San Marino170
11Taiwan, Argentina, Brazil169
12Uruguay, Brunei168
13Bahamas, Seychelles167
14Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda166
15Barbados, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines165
16Dominica, Kiribati, Palau164
17Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu163
18Samoa, Micronesia162
19Marshall Islands, Nauru161
20Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste160
21Kosovo, Papua New Guinea159
22Albania, Bolivia, Cambodia158
23Ghana, Morocco, Tunisia157
24Saint Kitts and Nevis, Belize, Jamaica156
25Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait155

There’s more to travel than just passport power. The most important thing is to explore new cultures, meet amazing people, and create unforgettable memories.

So, grab your passport, no matter its ranking, and start unlocking those doors to adventure!

I hope this explanation makes the World’s Most Powerful Passport Index a little easier to understand.

Now go out there and conquer the world, one visa-free country at a time !

Frequently Asked Questions (Faq’s)

Can I buy a powerful passport ?

Nope ! This ranking is about the countries themselves, not the people who hold their passports. You can’t just buy your way onto the top of the list.

Does having a powerful passport mean I can travel anywhere ?

Not quite ! Even with the top passport, there might still be a few countries that require visas. It’s always best to check the specific visa requirements for your destination before you pack your bags.

What’s the difference between a visa-free country and one with visa on arrival ?

For visa-free countries, you can just hop on a plane and go! No need to apply for anything beforehand. Visa on arrival means you get the visa when you land, but there might be a fee or some paperwork involved.

Can my passport get stronger or weaker over time ?

Absolutely ! Countries change visa rules all the time, so your passport’s power can fluctuate. Imagine it like leveling up in a game – good relationships with other countries can boost your score, while disagreements might make it dip.

what’s the best way to get a powerful passport ?

Well, you can’t exactly choose your passport (unless you’re royalty, maybe!). But you can explore citizenship options through your family history or marriage. And hey, maybe one day your home country will climb the ranks!

30 + Visa free countries for Uae Residents 2024 Updated

Visa free countries for UAE residents 2023 full guide

UAE : Residents of UAE are always finding new ways to travel as Your passport holds the key to a world of adventure with visa free countries for UAE Residents to over 31 countries in 2024.

Ditch the application hassles and pack your bags, because exciting getaways and enriching experiences await, just a flight away.

Calling all adventure seekers and wanderlust-stricken souls !

Are you an UAE resident itching to explore the world without the hassle of visas ?

Well, pack your bags and get ready for some passport-stamping adventures, because 2024 promises a smorgasbord of visa-free destinations for you to discover.

Hold your passport, UAE residents, because a world of visa-free travel awaits in 2024! From sun-kissed beaches to ancient wonders, vibrant cultures to breathtaking landscapes, 30+ countries are eager to welcome you with open arms.

Ditch the visa applications and embark on spontaneous journeys, all while enjoying the perks of your UAE residency.

Buckle up as we delve into over 30 countries welcoming UAE residents with open arms (and no visa applications) !

From Europe’s cultural tapestry to Southeast Asia’s vibrant shores, here’s a glimpse into your visa-free paradise :

31 Visa free countries to travel for UAE Residents in 2024

Europe & Central Asia

visa free travel countries for UAE residents

1.Armenia (Visa-Free for 90 days)

armenia visa free travel for uae residents

Explore ancient temples, medieval monasteries, and stunning landscapes.

2. Azerbaijan (Visa-free for 30 day)

ajerbaijan visa free travel for uae residents

Immerse yourself in a blend of East and West, with bustling Baku and serene mountain villages.

3. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Visa-free for 180 days)

Bosnia and herzegovina visa free travel for uae residents

 Discover Ottoman relics, stunning waterfalls, and a captivating history. Explore the historic charm of Sarajevo, trek through stunning mountains, and discover Ottoman legacies. (Visa-free for 180 days)

4. Georgia (Visa-free for 365 days)

Georgia visa free travel for uae residents

Embark on a culinary adventure, explore ancient monasteries perched on mountains, and lose yourself in the vibrant streets of Tbilisi. Hike Caucasus peaks, sip wine in Kakheti region, and lose yourself in charming Tbilisi.

5. Montenegro (Visa-free for 30 days)

Montenegro visa free travel for uae residents

 Bask on Adriatic beaches, explore medieval towns, and cruise through Kotor Bay. Sail along the Adriatic coast, marvel at medieval towns, and soak up the sunshine at hidden coves.

6. Serbia (Visa free for 30 days)

serbia visa free travel for uae residents

Delve into rich history, vibrant nightlife, and breathtaking national parks. Journey through time in Belgrade, discover charming towns nestled in valleys, and indulge in hearty Balkan cuisine.

7. Albania (Visa-free for 90 days)

Albania visa free travel for uae residents

 Hike through dramatic landscapes, relax on pristine beaches, and witness ancient ruins whispering forgotten stories.  Embrace rugged mountains, charming coastal towns, and UNESCO-listed heritage sites.

8. Kosovo

kosovo visa free travel for uae residents

 Discover charming towns, stunning mountains, and a rich historical tapestry.

9. Kazakhstan

kazakhstan visa free travel for uae residents

 Explore vast steppes, ancient cities, and the mesmerizing Almaty.

10. Kyrgyzstan  

Trek in the Tien Shan Mountains, discover nomadic traditions, and witness breathtaking landscapes.


visa free travel

11 . Indonesia (Visa-free for 30 days)

Indonesia visa free travel for uae residents

 Dive into turquoise waters, climb volcanoes, and discover ancient temples across diverse islands.

12. Malaysia (Visa-free for 30 days)

Malaysia visa free travel for uae residents

From bustling Kuala Lumpur to lush rainforests, experience cultural harmony and delicious cuisine. (Visa-free for 14 days)

13. Maldives (Visa-free for 30 days)

maldives visa free travel for uae residents

 Picture powdery beaches, turquoise lagoons, and luxurious resorts for a picture-perfect escape.

14. Philippines (Visa-free for 30 days)

Island-hop, go spelunking, explore vibrant cities, and experience warm Filipino hospitality.

15. Singapore (Visa-free for 30 days)


Marvel at futuristic architecture, indulge in world-class dining, and explore vibrant cultural districts. (Visa-free for 30 days)

16. Sri Lanka  (Visa-free for 30 days)

Discover ancient ruins, stunning beaches, lush tea plantations, and diverse wildlife.

17. Thailand (Visa-free for 30 days)

Thailand visa free travel for uae residents

Unwind on pristine beaches, explore bustling Bangkok, and experience the charm of traditional temples.

18. Brunei (Visa-free for 14 days)

Immerse yourself in the opulent Sultanate, with its majestic mosques, pristine rainforests, and orangutan sanctuaries.

Middle East and North Africa

middle east and africa

19. Oman (Visa-free for 14 days)

Dive into the rich history of Muscat, explore the Hajar Mountains, and camp under star-studded skies in the desert.

19. Bahrain (Visa-free for 14 days) 

Discover the island kingdom’s rich pearl diving history, explore bustling souqs, and relax on pristine beaches.

20. Jordan (Visa-free for 30 days)

Float in the Dead Sea, marvel at the ancient city of Petra, and trek through the Wadi Rum desert.

21. Turkey (Visa-free for 180 days)

Explore the iconic Hagia Sophia, wander through bustling bazaars, and soak in the thermal pools of Pamukkale.

22. Morocco (Visa-free for 90 days)

Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Marrakech, explore the Sahara Desert, and lose yourself in the beauty of Chefchaouen. Journey through bustling souks, gaze at stunning deserts, and experience warm Berber hospitality.

23. Kuwait

Immerse yourself in rich cultural heritage, visit historical mosques, and enjoy the desert landscape.

Read More :

Apply Japan E-Visa for Uae Residents full guide

Schengen Visa Online for UAE residents : How to apply ,Visa fees,documents & Everything you need to know

Island Hopping

24. Dominican Republic (Visa-free for 30 days)

Dominican republic visa free travel for uae residents

 Discover rainforests, stunning beaches, historical cities, and vibrant culture.

25. Ecuador (Visa-free for 90 days)

Trek in the Andes, explore colonial Quito, and marvel at the Galapagos Islands.

26. Seychelles (Visa-free for 120 days)

seychelles visa free travel for uae residents

Dive into underwater paradise, sunbathe on pristine beaches, and explore lush islands.

27. Bahamas (Visa-free for 90 days)

bahamas visa free travel for uae residents

Dive into azure waters, relax on powdery beaches, and explore charming settlements.

28. Mauritius (Visa-free for 60 days)

Hike through lush rainforests, tee off on championship golf courses, and indulge in the island’s unique Creole cuisine.

29. Fiji (Visa-free for 120 days)

Kayak through turquoise lagoons, dive with manta rays, and discover the warmth of Fijian hospitality.

30. Cook Islands (Visa-free for 31 days)

Explore the stunning lagoons by kayak, discover ancient Polynesian traditions, and relax on pristine beaches.

31. Rwanda

Trek to see the majestic mountain gorillas, witness breathtaking scenery, and experience a heartwarming cultural immersion.

Points to Consider before Travelling

Remember, visa-free doesn’t mean hassle-free ! Here are some essential points to check before embarking on your adventure:

1. Check your passport : Ensure your passport has at least 6 months’ validity beyond your intended travel date. Some countries might have specific validity requirements, so double-check before booking.

2. Research entry requirements : While visa-free, some countries might require additional documents like proof of onward travel or sufficient funds. Stay informed to avoid last-minute hiccups.

3. Travel advisories : Always check the latest travel advisories for your chosen destination. Safety should be your top priority, so stay informed about any potential risks.

4. Travel insurance : Don’t underestimate the power of travel insurance! Unexpected events happen, so investing in a good plan ensures peace of mind and financial protection.

5. Local currencies and customs : Research the local currency and familiarize yourself with customs and traditions. Respecting local cultures is key to a pleasant and enriching travel experience.

6. Health requirements : Check if any vaccinations or health certificates are required for your chosen destinations.

7. Local regulations : Research local customs, dress codes, and laws to ensure a smooth and respectful experience.

8. Book your flights and accommodation : Plan your trip well in advance, especially during peak seasons.

With over 30 visa-free options at your fingertips, 2024 promises to be a year of unforgettable travel experiences for UAE residents.

Remember, this is just a glimpse of the possibilities ! With so many options available, you can tailor your adventure to your interests and budget.

From adrenaline-pumping activities to cultural immersion, relaxing retreats to culinary delights, the world awaits your exploration. So, pack your bags, grab your passport, and get ready to experience the magic of visa-free travel in 2024 !

Why wait more,book your tickets now for your new destination.

Happy exploring, Visa Free Travel to UAE residents !

Bonus Tip

Check out flight deals and travel packages specifically for UAE residents to make the most of your visa-free adventures.

Disclaimer : This information is for education and information purposes only. Always confirm the latest visa requirements and travel regulations with your chosen destination’s official website or embassy before booking your trip. This list is not exhaustive and visa requirements can change at any time. Please conduct your own research and consult with official authorities for the most up-to-date


Frequently Asked Questions (Faq’s )

How long can I stay in each country without a visa ?

The visa-free period varies depending on the country. Some, like Indonesia and Thailand, offer 30 days, while others like Georgia and Azerbaijan have longer visa-free periods of 365 and 180 days, respectively. Check the specific details for your chosen destination beforehand.

Do I need any special documents besides my passport ?

Some countries might require pre-registration, online travel permits, or proof of sufficient funds for your stay. It’s crucial to research the specific requirements of your chosen destinations to avoid any surprises at the border.

Do I need a visa if I’m traveling by land or sea ?

Visa requirements usually apply regardless of your mode of transportation. While crossing land borders might involve additional checks, the visa-free status typically remains the same as for air travel.

What happens if I want to stay longer than the visa-free period ?

If you wish to extend your stay beyond the visa-free period, you’ll need to apply for the appropriate visa type at the embassy or consulate of the respective country. Make sure to plan your trip accordingly and apply for the visa well in advance.

Is travel insurance mandatory for visa-free travel ?

Travel insurance isn’t mandatory for visa-free travel, but it’s highly recommended. It provides financial protection against unexpected events like medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage.

Apply Japan E-Visa for Uae Residents full guide 2024

Japan visa for uae residents full guide

A detailed full guide to 7 steps How to Apply Japan E-visa for UAE residents in 2024 with eligibility,documents required ,processing time,fees,validity,how to apply and everything you need to knwo about Japan Visa from dubai,Uae.

Japan is a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world, and UAE residents are no exception. If you are planning to travel to Japan, you will need to apply for a visa.

And recently Japanese Government has made very simpler process for uae residents to apply for e-visa through their official website within matters of time.

Japan, with its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, is a dream destination for many. If you’re a UAE resident and planning to visit Japan, this guide will walk you through the visa application process step by step, covering eligibility, required documents, processing time, fees, validity, and other crucial points to consider.

Determine Your Visa Type

Before you begin your application, it’s essential to identify the type of visa you need. Common visa types for tourists include tourist visas, business visas, and transit visas. Make sure to choose the one that aligns with your travel purpose.

Japan visa Eligibility for Uae residents

The eligibility criteria for a Japan visa can vary depending on the type of visa you’re applying for. Generally, you will need to meet these common requirements:

  • UAE residency with a valid residence permit.
  • A valid passport with at least six months of validity from the planned date of entry.
  • A completed visa application form.
  • Proof of sufficient financial means to cover your stay in Japan.
  • A detailed travel itinerary, including flight and accommodation reservations.
  • A “No Objection Certificate” from your employer (if employed).
  • Return Ticket
  • No criminal record

Documents required for Japan Visa for Uae residents

The following documents are required to apply for a Japan visa:

  • Passport Depending on the type of passport, you may be asked to apply at the counter.
  • Facial photo (passport/ID size 45 mm× 35mm or 2in × 1.4in, WHITE background)
  • Emirates ID front and back side
  • Schedule of stay Activity plan
  • Itinerary with flight information Pre-booking
  • Hotel/ Accommodation information Pre-booking

Personal UAE bank statement

  • Last 3 months’ statements are required.
  • Name are required.
  • Company bank statement is not accepted.

Certificate of employment of applicant
・Company seal and signature by person in charge are required (including signer’s name and position).
・The position and monthly salary of applicant have to be stated.
・It must be address to Consul- General of Japan in Dubai.
・For Partner or Owner, Company letter is required.
・For those owners sponsored by the Free Zone, Salary certificate or incumbency issued from Free Zone is required

Japan Visa Processing time for Uae residents

The processing time for a Japan visa can vary, but it typically takes two to three weeks.It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your planned travel dates to ensure a smooth process.

Japan E-visa Application Process from Dubai,uae

You can apply for a Japan visa through the Embassy of Japan in the UAE or via an accredited visa application center (VAC). Here’s how:

1.Complete the visa application form available on the official website of the Embassy of Japan in the UAE.

2. Gather all required documents, including the visa fee.

3. Submit your application and documents to the embassy consulate website (Link Given below)or VAC in person.

4. Pay the visa fee, which can vary depending on the type and duration of the visa.

Japan E-Visa Fees for UAE residents

The Japan E-visa fee for UAE residents is Aed 80 for single Visa and it varies from multiple to transit visa as well.check out below all the fees of Japan visa from dubai.

japan visa fees from dubai,UAE

Payments (coming for the visa fee payment)

You may visit the Consulate through MONDAY to THURSDAY between 12:00 and 14:45 for the Payment. (Cash payment Only. No payment on Friday)
To be paid by Applicant (Required documents)
・Registration Information Form (print-out)
・Notification of visa fee (print-out)
・Original or copy of the applicant’s identification documents.

To be paid by Representative (Required documents)
・Registration Information Form (print-out)
・Notification of visa fee (print-out)
・Original or copy of the applicant’s identification documents.
・Power of Attorney Letter (Free style)
・Representative’s original ID card

Validity of Japan E-Visa

The validity of a Japan E- visa is 90 days and rest other visas validity depends upon which visa you select.

How to apply Japan E-visa from Dubai,UAE

You can apply for a Japan visa at the Japanese embassy or consulate in the UAE. You can find the contact information for the Japanese embassy or consulate in the UAE on the website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You can apply for a Japan visa at the Japanese embassy or consulate in the UAE. You can find the contact information for the Japanese embassy or consulate in the UAE on the website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Step 1 : Determine the type of visa you need

Verify the type of visa necessary to visit Japan, and the documents to submit. (Link Below to check and even apply directly)
Those who do not engage in remunerated activities for a stay of up to 90 days for the purpose of tourism.

Step 2 : Collect all documents prior to application

Step 3 : Fill the application carefully

Enter the information necessary for the online visa application.

Step 4 : Submit

submitting your application very precisely because after one wrong attempt you will not be able to apply for next 6 months.

Step 5 : Waiting for the result

The results of your visa application will be sent to your registered e-mail address.

Step 6 : Pay the fees if required

Please pay, if necessary, the visa fees notified to you by e-mail to Japanese overseas establishments where you are applying.

Step 7 :Japan E-visa issued

Payment required: eVISA will be issued after the payment.
Free of charge: eVISA will be issued automatically after STEP 3

Other points to check while applying

1. Ensure all information provided in your application is accurate and consistent with your documents.

2. Be prepared for an interview if requested by the embassy or VAC.

3. Purchase travel insurance covering your entire stay in Japan.

4. Familiarize yourself with Japan’s customs and immigration regulations.

5. Make sure that you apply for the correct type of visa.

6. Be sure to submit all of the required documents.

7. Check the visa application deadlines carefully.

8. Visit the website of the Japanese embassy or consulate in the UAE for the latest visa information.

9. Start the application process early.

10. Double-check all of your paperwork before submitting it.

11. Be prepared to answer questions about your travel plans.

12. Be patient. The visa application process can take some time.

Read This Also : 15 Points to Know Before applying Canada visa from Dubai,UAE

How to Apply Armenia Visa Online in Dubai,UAE

Schengen Visa Online for UAE residents : How to apply ,Visa fees,documents & Everything you need to know

Useful Links for Japan Visa application centres in uae

Embassy of Japan in the UAE

Visa Application Centers in the UAE

Online Payments

Apply Now Japan E-visa

Login Page

Final Words

In conclusion, obtaining a Japan visa as a UAE resident is a straightforward process if you meet the eligibility criteria and follow the necessary steps.

Be sure to plan ahead, gather all required documents, and submit your application in a timely manner to ensure a successful and hassle-free travel experience in the Land of the Rising Sun.

We gurantee it will not take much time for you to get your Japan E-visa from dubai,uae as we can see the fast process between the consulates and centres.

So,what are you waiting for.

Book Your Next vacation-JAPAN.

Until then,

See you on the other side.Thank you.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who is eligible to apply for a Japan visa in the UAE ?

UAE residents with a valid residence permit can apply for a Japan visa. Ensure your passport has at least six months of validity from your planned entry date.

What types of visas can I apply for as a UAE resident ?

You can apply for various visa types, including tourist visas, business visas, and transit visas, depending on your travel purpose.

What is the processing time for a Japan visa in the UAE ?

Visa processing times typically range from 10 to 14 working days. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your travel dates.

How much is the visa fee for a Japan tourist visa in 2024 ?

As of dec 2023, the visa fee for a Japan tourist visa is generally around AED 80, but it can vary depending on the type,nationality and duration of the visa.

Where can I apply for a Japan visa in the UAE?

You can apply for a Japan visa through the Embassy of Japan in the UAE offical website or via accredited Visa Application Centers (VACs). Be prepared for biometric data collection during the application process.(optional)

15 Points to Know Before applying Canada visa from Dubai,UAE

15 points to know before applying canada visa from UAE

Uae : If you’re considering applying for a Canada visa from Dubai,UAE, there are several essential points you need to be aware of to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

Canada offers various visa options, each with specific requirements and procedures.

It can be a daunting task to prepare for visa interview and then get rejected will give you some horrible experience ,it’s better to prepare before you go.

15 Points to check before applying Canada visa from Dubai,UAE

To help you navigate the process effectively, here are 15 points you should know before starting your Canada visa application:

1. Determine the Appropriate Visa Type

Canada offers different visa types, including visitor visas, study permits, work permits, and permanent residency. Identify the most suitable visa category based on your purpose of travel and duration of stay.

2. Check Eligibility Criteria

Review the eligibility criteria for the chosen visa category carefully. Ensure that you meet all the requirements related to age, education, work experience, and financial capability.

3. Gather Required Documents

Compile all the necessary documents for your visa application, such as passport, photographs, financial statements, educational certificates, and travel itinerary.

4. Complete Online Application

Most Canada visa applications are submitted online. Create an account on the official Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website and fill out the application form accurately.

5. Pay the Application Fee

Pay the required visa application fee using the accepted payment methods. Keep the payment receipt as proof for your application.

6. Provide Biometrics

In some cases, you may need to provide biometrics (fingerprints and photograph) at a local visa application center in the UAE.

7. Submit Additional Information

Depending on the visa type, you may be asked to submit additional information, such as a letter of invitation, study plan, or job offer letter.

8. Be Truthful and Accurate

Ensure that all the information provided in your application is truthful and accurate. Any false or misleading information could lead to visa rejection or future travel restrictions.

9. Keep Track of Processing Time

Check the estimated processing time for your visa application on the IRCC website. Be patient and avoid making travel plans until you receive a decision.

10. Consider Medical Examinations

Some visa categories may require applicants to undergo medical examinations from authorized panel physicians.

11. Language Proficiency Tests

If required for your visa category, take language proficiency tests like IELTS or CELPIP to demonstrate your language skills.

12. Purchase Travel Insurance

Before traveling to Canada, consider purchasing comprehensive travel insurance to cover any unforeseen medical or travel-related expenses.

13. Know Your Rights and Obligations

Familiarize yourself with the rights and obligations of visa holders in Canada. This includes adherence to Canadian laws and regulations.

14. Plan Your Stay in Canada

Plan your accommodation, transportation, and other logistics for your stay in Canada. Having a clear plan will make your transition smoother.

15. Be Prepared for Interviews

For certain visa categories, you may be asked to attend an interview. Prepare well for the interview, providing concise and accurate responses.

Read This Also : How to Apply Armenia Visa Online in Dubai,UAE 2023

Schengen Visa Online for UAE residents : How to apply ,Visa fees,documents & Everything you need to know

How to check dubai U.a.e visit visa status online by Passport /file validity

By following these 15 points, you can significantly improve your chances of a successful Canada visa application from the UAE.

Remember to start the process well in advance, gather all required documents, and stay informed about any updates or changes in visa regulations.

Canada offers exciting opportunities, and with proper preparation, you can make your dream of visiting or living in Canada a reality.

Good luck !

See you on the other Side .Thank you

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What visa types are available for Canada from UAE ?

Canada offers visitor visas, study permits, work permits, and permanent residency options based on the purpose of travel and duration of stay.

How can I check my eligibility for a Canada visa ?

You can review the specific eligibility criteria for your chosen visa category on the official Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.

Is biometrics required for a Canada visa application ?

: In some cases, applicants need to provide biometrics (fingerprints and photograph) at a local visa application center in the UAE.

What should I do if my visa application is rejected ?

If your visa application is rejected, you may reapply or seek guidance from a qualified immigration consultant to address any issues.

Can I work in Canada with a visitor visa ?

No, a visitor visa does not permit employment in Canada. To work, you will need to apply for a work permit or other appropriate visas.

Uae : Are you eligible for Unemployment Insurance ?

unemployment insurance uae eligibility

UAE : Unemployment insurance scheme in UAE is a mandatory scheme for all the individual working in Uae that was introduced in 2022 to help everyone.

The scheme provides financial support to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The scheme is administered by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).

If you have not registered and not yet decided that are you eligible for unempoyment insurance in UAE ,then check out before the last date will be reached.

It applies to all workers in the private and federal sector, except:

  • Investors
  • Business owners who own and manage their business themselves
  • Domestic workers
  • Employees on a temporary basis
  • Juveniles under the age of 18

To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have been employed and subscribed to the insurance scheme for at least 12 months.
  • You must have been terminated from your job through no fault of your own. This means that you must not have been dismissed for disciplinary reasons or because you resigned.
  • You must be actively seeking employment.

The amount of unemployment benefits you will receive depends on your basic salary. If your basic salary is AED 16,000 or less, you will receive a maximum of AED 10,000 per month. If your basic salary is more than AED 16,000, you will receive a maximum of AED 20,000 per month.

You will be eligible to receive unemployment benefits for a maximum of three months. The benefits will start from the date of your termination of employment.

To apply for unemployment benefits, you must submit an application to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE). You can do this online or at a MOHRE office.

Documents required for Unemployment Insurance

Here are the documents you will need to submit with your application:

  • A copy of your passport
  • A copy of your visa
  • A copy of your employment contract
  • A copy of your termination letter
  • A copy of your bank statement
  • A copy of your CV

The application process for unemployment benefits is relatively simple. However, it is important to make sure that you meet all of the eligibility criteria before you apply. If you are not sure whether you are eligible, you can contact MOHRE for more information.

Eligibility criteria of UAE Unemployment Insurance

To be eligible for unemployment benefits in the UAE, employees must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a UAE resident.
  • Must be employed in the private or federal sector.
  • Must have been employed for at least 12 months in the UAE.
  • Must have paid the monthly insurance premium for at least 12 months.
  • Must have been terminated from their job through no fault of their own. This means that they must not have been dismissed for disciplinary reasons or because they resigned.
  • Must not have left the country or started a new job.

What are the Benefits of UAE Unemployment insurance ?

The amount of unemployment benefits that an employee is entitled to depends on their basic salary. Employees with a basic salary of AED 16,000 or less will receive a monthly benefit of AED 10,000. Employees with a basic salary of more than AED 16,000 will receive a monthly benefit of AED 20,000.

Duration of benefits

The unemployment benefits will be paid for a maximum of 3 months. The benefits will start from the date of termination of employment.

How to apply

To apply for unemployment benefits, employees must submit an application to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE). The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • A copy of the termination letter from the employer
  • A copy of the employee’s passport
  • A copy of the employee’s Emirates ID
  • A copy of the employee’s last 12 months’ payslips

The application for unemployment benefits can be submitted online or at any MOHRE office.

Read this Also : Schengen Visa Online for UAE residents : How to apply ,Visa fees,documents & Everything you need to know

How to apply online 6 month Uae Job Search Visa

Uae Unemployment Insurance Deadline for registration

The deadline for registering for unemployment insurance in the UAE is October 1, 2023. Employees who fail to register by this date will be subject to a fine of AED 400.

Make sure to register before deadline to avoid unnecessary fines.I hope,your unemployment issues will be resolved.Thank you.

Dubai Law : Screaming in Public Places Full Explained

screaming in public places dubai law full details explained

A detailed full guide on Dubai Law & Regulations on screaming in Public places with fines and clause attached to it

Dubai is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city, attracting millions of visitors and residents alike. As a city with a diverse population and a reputation for excellent public safety, it is essential to understand the local laws and regulations to ensure a harmonious environment for everyone.

This guide provides an overview of Dubai’s laws pertaining to screaming in public places, along with relevant explanations and clauses.

Understanding Noise Regulations in Dubai

Dubai has comprehensive noise regulations designed to maintain a peaceful and respectful environment for its residents and visitors. These regulations are governed by various legal instruments, including:

a. Dubai Municipality Law: The Dubai Municipality Law No. 11 of 2003 includes provisions for controlling noise pollution, ensuring that all individuals within the city limits adhere to acceptable noise levels.

b. Environmental Health and Safety Regulations: The Dubai Environmental Health and Safety Control Department oversees the implementation of noise regulations to protect public health and quality of life.

Prohibition of Screaming in Public Places: Dubai’s noise regulations explicitly prohibit excessive screaming or loud vocal expressions in public places, which could cause disturbances, discomfort, or annoyance to others. The prohibition applies to both residents and tourists alike, and everyone is expected to adhere to these rules.

Understanding Public Places

Public places include but are not limited to:

a. Streets, Parks, and Open Spaces: Any location accessible to the public falls under this category, such as parks, streets, sidewalks, and public squares.

b. Public Transport: Public transport vehicles, including buses, metro trains, and stations, are considered public places.

c. Shopping Malls and Commercial Areas: Indoor shopping malls, retail outlets, and commercial complexes are also classified as public places.

d. Public Institutions: Government buildings, libraries, museums, and other public institutions are covered by these regulations.

Permissible Noise Levels

Dubai’s regulations define permissible noise levels for various areas and times of the day. These levels are measured in decibels (dB) and differ based on the zone’s classification (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial).

a. Residential Areas: Lower noise limits are enforced in residential neighborhoods to ensure a peaceful living environment.

b. Commercial and Mixed-Use Areas: Slightly higher noise limits may be allowed in designated commercial areas to accommodate business activities.

c. Nighttime Restrictions: Reduced noise levels typically apply during nighttime hours (usually after 10:00 PM) to avoid disturbances during sleeping hours.

Penalties for Violation:

Those found violating Dubai’s noise regulations by screaming excessively in public places may be subject to penalties and fines, as per Dubai’s legal framework.

a. Fines: Fines can range from moderate to substantial, depending on the severity of the violation and the frequency of the offense.

b. Legal Actions: In severe cases or repeated violations, legal actions may be taken against the individual, which could include legal proceedings and potential legal consequences.

Screaming in Public Places in Dubai Law

Screaming in public places in Dubai is considered a violation of public decency and can result in a fine of up to AED 1,000. The law is designed to protect the privacy and peace of mind of others and to promote a sense of order and civility in public spaces.

What is considered screaming?

Screaming is defined as any loud, disruptive noise that is likely to annoy or disturb others. This can include shouting, yelling, or even simply talking loudly in a public place.

Where is it prohibited?

Screaming is prohibited in all public places, including streets, parks, malls, and other public facilities. It is also prohibited in residential areas, as it can disturb the peace of the neighborhood.

What are the clauses of the law?

The law also includes a number of clauses that clarify what is considered screaming and what is not. For example, the law does not prohibit people from making noise while exercising or playing sports. It also does not prohibit people from talking loudly in a public place if they are not disturbing others.

Explanation of the Law

The law against screaming in public places is found in Article 338 of the Dubai Police Law. This article states that “it is prohibited to make any noise that disturbs the peace or tranquility of others.” The law also states that “any person who violates this article shall be punished by a fine of not less than AED 500 and not more than AED 5,000.”

Fines and Clauses

The fine for screaming in public places in Dubai can range from AED 500 to AED 5,000. The amount of the fine will depend on the severity of the offense and the circumstances surrounding the incident.

In addition to the fine, the offender may also be sentenced to imprisonment for up to six months.


The law against screaming in public places in Dubai has a number of clauses. These clauses clarify the scope of the law and outline the specific offenses that are prohibited.

Some of the key clauses of the law include:

  • The law applies to all public places, including streets, parks, and malls.
  • The law applies to both individuals and groups of people.
  • The law applies to any noise that disturbs the peace or tranquility of others.
  • The law does not apply to noise that is made for a legitimate purpose, such as construction or medical emergencies.

The law on screaming in public places in Dubai is designed to protect the public from noise pollution and to ensure that public places are peaceful and orderly. The law also applies to people who scream in public places for the purpose of disturbing others or for the purpose of attracting attention.

In addition to the fines and imprisonment, the offender may also be subject to other penalties, such as deportation from the UAE.


The law on screaming in public places in Dubai is designed to protect the public from noise pollution and to ensure that public places are peaceful and orderly.

If you are caught screaming in a public place in Dubai, you could face fines, imprisonment, or other penalties. It is important to be aware of the law and to avoid screaming in public places in Dubai.

Note : It is important to note that the law on screaming in public places in Dubai is subject to change. It is always best to consult with an experienced lawyer if you have any questions about the law or if you have been charged with a violation of the law.This information is been colelcted from various resources and it may change as per UAE government.Kindly check government clause on Gov portals.

Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I avoid getting fined for screaming in public?

The best way to avoid getting fined for screaming in public is to be mindful of your noise level. If you are in a public place, keep your voice down and avoid shouting or yelling. If you are in a residential area, be especially careful not to disturb your neighbors.

What are the clauses of the law?

The law also includes a number of clauses that clarify what is considered screaming and what is not. For example, the law does not prohibit people from making noise while exercising or playing sports. It also does not prohibit people from talking loudly in a public place if they are not disturbing others

What are the penalties for violating the law?

The first time a person is caught screaming in public, they will be issued a warning. If they are caught again, they will be fined AED 500. If they are caught a third time, they will be fined AED 1,000.
In addition to the fines and imprisonment, the offender may also be subject to other penalties, such as deportation from the UAE.

Is dubai safe for living ?

Yes definitely,however if you do not respect the laws and try to breach them ,you have to face certain consequences.

Apply Armenia Visa Online for Uae Residents 2024 Updated

How to apply Armenia tourist visa from dubai UAE and everything you need to know

Detailed Step by step guide on how to apply Armenia visa online for Uae Residents 2024 with Visa fees, Processing Time, Documents required ,Important Points to consider and everything you need to know about applying armenia Tourist visa application online from UAE .

Armenia is a beautiful country located in the Caucasus Mountains. It is a popular tourist destination, known for its ancient churches, monasteries, and historical sites.

If you are a UAE resident and you are planning to visit Armenia, you will need to apply for a visa on -arrival or online E-visa.Check in which category, your passport fall into.

Fortunately, the Armenian government has introduced an online visa application system, making the process convenient and efficient.

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of applying for an Armenia visa online from Dubai, including the fees, processing time, visa types, required documents, and important points to consider.

Armenia Visa Types

There are two types of Armenia e-Visas: tourist visa and business visa. The tourist visa is valid for 30 days, and the business visa is valid for 90 days.

Armenia offers several visa types to cater to different travel purposes:

Tourist Visa: For those planning a leisure trip to explore Armenia’s cultural and natural wonders.

Business Visa: For individuals traveling to Armenia for business-related purposes, such as meetings, conferences, or trade activities.

Student Visa: For students enrolled in Armenian educational institutions.

Transit Visa: For travelers transiting through Armenia to reach their final destination.

Ensure that you choose the appropriate visa type based on your purpose of visit.

Armenia Online Visa Processing Time from dubai,Uae

The processing time for an Armenia e-Visa is typically 3-4 working days. However, the processing time may vary depending on the time of year.

The processing time for an Armenia visa application can range from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the visa type and the volume of applications received. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel dates to allow sufficient time for processing.

Documents Required for Armenia E-visa Online

Once you have identified the visa type, gather the necessary documents for the application. The following documents are required to apply for an Armenia e-Visa,While the specific requirements may vary depending on the visa category, the general documents typically include:

Passport : A valid passport with a minimum validity of six months beyond your intended stay in Armenia.

Passport-Sized Photograph : Recent color photograph with a white background.

Proof of Accommodation : Hotel reservation or invitation letter from a host in Armenia.

Travel Itinerary : Detailed plan of your trip, including flight reservations, hotel bookings, and intended duration of stay.

Travel Insurance : Proof of travel medical insurance coverage for the duration of your trip.

Financial Proof : Bank statements or employment letter indicating your financial capability to support your travel expenses.

Additional Documents : Depending on the visa type, you may be required to submit additional documents, such as invitation letters, business-related documents, or student enrollment letters.

Ensure that all documents are valid, legible, and meet the specified requirements to avoid any delays or rejections in the application process.

Armenia Visa Fees for Uae residents

The visa fee for UAE residents is USD 30. You can pay the visa fee using a credit card or a debit card.

The visa fees for Armenia vary depending on the visa type and duration of stay. It’s important to check the official website or the e-Visa portal for the most up-to-date fee information. Make sure to have the necessary funds available to complete the payment during the online application process.

How to Apply Armenia Visa Online from Dubai: A Step-by-Step Guide for UAE Residents

Step By step detailed Guide on How to apply Armenia Visa online from Dubai,UAE

Go to the Armenia e-Visa website: https://evisa.mfa.am/.

Click on the “Apply for e-Visa” button.

Select your nationality from the drop-down list.

documents differ according to nationality type.

Enter your passport information

It should be correct and should be matched with the original documents.

Enter your personal information.

Provide accurate and complete information as requested, including personal details, travel information, and purpose of visit. Double-check the entered information to ensure its accuracy before proceeding to the next step.

Select the type of visa you need.

Before applying for an Armenia visa online, it’s important to determine the type of visa you require based on your purpose of visit. Armenia offers various visa categories, including tourist visa, business visa, student visa, and transit visa, among others. Each visa type has specific requirements and conditions, so it’s crucial to select the appropriate category that aligns with your travel plans

Pay the visa fee.

Acceptable modes of payment typically include credit or debit cards. Upon successful payment, ensure that you keep a copy of the payment receipt for future reference.

Upload your passport photo and a recent self-photo.

Most Recent photo ,not older than 6 months .Check the photo guidelines before applying.

Review your application and click on the “Submit” button.

After paying the visa fee, review your application one last time to ensure all information is correct. Once satisfied, submit the application electronically. You will receive a confirmation email with an application ID or reference number. Save this email as it will be needed for tracking the status of your application.

Important Points to Consider before applying armenia visa online

Apply in Advance : Submit your visa application well in advance of your intended travel dates to allow ample time for processing.

Accurate Information: Double-check all information provided in the application form and ensure its accuracy to avoid any delays or rejections.

Validity and Expiry: Check the validity and expiry dates of your passport to ensure it meets the minimum requirement of six months beyond your intended stay in Armenia.

Travel Insurance: Obtain comprehensive travel medical insurance that covers your entire duration of stay in Armenia.

Consular Assistance: If you encounter any issues or have specific inquiries, contact the Armenian consulate or embassy in Dubai for guidance and assistance.

  • You must apply for your Armenia visa at least 3 working days before your travel date.
  • You must print out your e-Visa and carry it with you when you travel to Armenia.
  • You must have a valid passport that is valid for at least 6 months after your travel date.

Applying for an Armenia visa online from Dubai is a straightforward process that offers convenience and efficiency for UAE residents. By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure a smooth application process, from gathering the required documents to submitting the application online.

Remember to check the specific visa requirements, fees, and processing times for your chosen visa type. With proper preparation and adherence to the guidelines, you’ll soon be on your way to exploring the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes of Armenia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Can UAE residents apply for an Armenia visa online?

Yes, UAE residents can apply for an Armenia visa online through the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ official website or the e-Visa portal.

How long does it take to process an Armenia visa application?

The processing time for an Armenia visa application can vary depending on the visa type and the volume of applications received. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel dates to allow sufficient time for processing.

Do I need to submit original documents during the visa application process?

In most cases, scanned copies or electronic versions of the required documents are sufficient. However, it’s advisable to carry the original documents with you when traveling to Armenia, as they may be

Can I apply for an Armenia visa on arrival?

Yes ,as UAE resident you are eligible for visa on arrival .Please check the countries allowed for visa on arrival list in armenia.

Schengen Visa Online for UAE residents : How to apply ,Visa fees,documents & Everything you need to know

how to apply schengen visa online for uae residents

If you’re a UAE resident planning to visit the Schengen countries in Europe, you’ll need to apply for a Schengen Visa online for uae residents category. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, providing you with all the information you need to successfully apply for your schengen visa. From who can apply to the required documents and application fees, let’s see the simple step by step guide for applying schengen visa online in UAE.

The Schengen visa is a travel permit that allows you to travel to any of the 26 countries in the Schengen area. If you are a UAE resident, you can apply for a Schengen visa online through the VFS Global website.

Who Can Apply for Online Schengen Visa in Uae

To be eligible to apply for a Schengen visa application from Uae, you must:

  • Be a UAE resident.
  • Have a valid passport that is valid for at least three months beyond the end of your stay in the Schengen area.
  • Have a return ticket or onward travel arrangements.
  • Have sufficient funds to support your stay in the Schengen area.

Any UAE resident who holds a valid UAE residence permit (also known as a residence visa) can apply for a Schengen Visa. It’s important to note that the validity of your UAE residence permit should exceed the intended duration of your trip to the Schengen countries.

Schengen Visa Application Documents Requirement in uae

To apply for a Schengen Visa, you’ll need to gather the following documents:

Valid passport : Your passport should be valid for at least three months beyond your intended departure date from the Schengen area.

UAE residence permit : Provide a copy of your valid UAE residence permit (also known as a residence visa).

Visa application form : Complete the Schengen Visa application form, which can be obtained online from the official website of the embassy or consulate of the country you intend to visit first.

Passport-sized photographs : Attach two recent passport-sized photographs that meet the specific requirements of the embassy or consulate.

Travel itinerary : Prepare a detailed travel itinerary, including flight reservations, accommodation bookings, and a planned itinerary of your activities in the Schengen countries.

Travel insurance : Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses and repatriation with a minimum coverage of EUR 30,000.

Proof of financial means : Provide evidence of your financial stability, such as bank statements for the past three months, payslips, or sponsorship letters if applicable.

Employment documents : Submit documents that verify your employment status, such as a no-objection letter from your employer, trade license if you’re self-employed, or student enrollment certificate if you’re a student.

Schengen Visa Fees for UAE Residents

The Schengen visa fees vary depending on your nationality and the type of visa you are applying for. For UAE residents, the fees are as follows:

  • Single-entry visa : AED 225
  • Multiple-entry visa : AED 350

Processing Time for Schengen Visa Application in UAE

Application processing time generally takes 15 to 30 working days which should exclude public holidays,consulate holidays ,etc.It should be checked on counries consulate website before applying in case of emergency.

Visa Application Requirements

To apply for a Schengen visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must make an appointment online through the VFS Global website.
  • You must submit your application form and supporting documents in person at the VFS Global visa application centre.
  • You must pay the visa application fee.
  • You must attend an interview at the visa application centre.

Where to Apply

There are two VFS Global visa application centres in the UAE for easiest and fastest schengen visa application for uae residents :

  • Schengen visa application centre in Dubai: The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)
  • Schengen visa application centre in Abu Dhabi: The Al Wahda Mall

How to apply Schengen Visa Online for Uae Residents

Step by step detailed guide on online schengen visa application in uae for residents

1. Go to the VFS Global website and create an account.

2. Select the type of visa you are applying for.

3. Enter your personal details and contact information

4. Upload your passport-sized photo and a copy of your passport.

5. Upload your proof of accommodation and proof of sufficient funds.

6. Pay the visa application fee.

7. Schedule an appointment at the VFS Global visa application centre.

Important Factors to Consider while applying schengen visa online in UAE

Here are some additional factors to keep in mind when applying for a Schengen Visa:

Apply well in advance : It’s recommended to apply for your Schengen Visa at least 15 days before your planned departure date to allow for processing time.

Consulate jurisdiction : Apply at the embassy or consulate that has jurisdiction over the area where you reside. Each Schengen country has specific consular jurisdictions, so make sure to apply at the appropriate one.

Visa validity and duration : The Schengen Visa allows you to enter and travel within the Schengen countries for a specified duration. Ensure that your visa covers the entire duration of your planned stay.

Purpose of visit : Clearly state the purpose of your visit in your visa application. Whether it’s for tourism, business, or visiting family or friends, provide all the necessary supporting documents. Travel flexibility: If you plan to visit multiple Schengen countries, ensure that your visa allows for multiple entries within the specified duration.

Applying for a Schengen Visa as a UAE resident may seem daunting, but by following this step-by-step guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of the process. Remember to gather all the required documents, prepare the visa fees, and apply well in advance of your planned departure. With careful planning and attention to detail, you’ll be on your way to exploring the beautiful Schengen countries in Europe.

Please note that visa application processes and requirements can vary among Schengen countries. It’s crucial to visit the official website of the embassy or consulate of the specific country you intend to visit for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Good luck with your Schengen Visa application, and enjoy your journey through Europe!


What are the benefits of applying for a Schengen visa online?

There are several benefits to applying for a Schengen visa online, including:
·         It is more convenient and efficient than applying by mail or in person.
·         You can track the status of your application online.
You can pay the visa application fee online

Can UAE residents get Schengen visa?

Yes,depends on also your nationality.Please check with the countries consulate website.

How long does it take to get Schengen visa for UAE residents?

The processing time for a Schengen visa can vary depending on the country you are applying to. However, it typically takes between 15 and 30 days for a visa to be processed.

How much does a Schengen visa cost?

The cost of a Schengen visa varies depending on your nationality and the type of visa you are applying for. For UAE residents, the fees are as follows:
·         Single-entry visa: AED 225
·         Multiple-entry visa: AED 350

How to apply 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae 2024 (Dubai,Abu Dhabi )

How to apply 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae 2023 -Dubai,Abu Dhabi,Sharjah ,Documents required,Visa cost fees,eligibility,processing time,where & how to apply and Everything you need to know #dxbify

How to apply 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae 2024 -Dubai,Abu Dhabi,Sharjah ,Documents required,Visa cost fees,eligibility,processing time,where & how to apply and Everything you need to know #dxbify

UAE Government has brought many new visas reforms after EXPO 2022 and one of them is Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa for the people who wants to visit dubai (Uae).In this visa,one can come to Uae as many times they want to.

This visa initiative have given access to the people whose families are staying within Uae.Today,we are going to tell you all the details you need to know from documents,visa fees/cost,price,eligibility,processing time ,how to apply online, where to apply details and all other full information about Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae shared below :

Eligibilty for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae

5 year Long term Tourist Visit Visa Uae is only applicable for the family members which gives the person eligibility to stay in UAE for not more than 90 days consecutively and the benficiary can take multiple entry from the visa.The staying period might extend to less than 6 months (180 days) in a given year.

Document Requirements for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visa Visa Uae

To apply Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visa Visa dubai Abu dhabi (Uae),you need to have the following required documents with you before applying :

Mandatory Requirements

  • Copy of the passport for whom the visa is been applied (Mandatory requirement).
  • Color photo of the individual (Mandatory requirement).
  • A ticket to and from the country .
  • Medical Insurance (Mandatory requirement).
  • Tour guide invoice or attachment details for visiting .
  • Your bank statement holding transactional value of 4000 Dollars or same equivalent in foreign currencies in past 6 months.
  • Proof of place of residence (hotel / residence address).(Mandatory Requirement )

Disclaimer : Optional documents and additional documents will vary according to the data filled in the application with nationality ,etc.


Fees,Cost,price for 5 year Long Term Tourist Visa Uae

The 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae fees and cost price is approximately Aed 3675 (actual price relies on Uae government portal at the time of applying)

Service Visa CategoryService Visa Fees Cost price (Aed)

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How to avoid Job Visa and labour fraud in Dubai UAE

How to Register on AL Hosn App before arrival in Uae

Processing Time for Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae

The usual Processing time for Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae is 7-14 working days.However,it may vary according to the information provided by you while applying.In some cases,You might recieve the service early.Uae government has been given numerous awards for providing fastest Visa Services.

Centers/Places where to apply for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae

There are 3 places where you can apply for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa in Uae (Dubai,Abu Dhabi,sharjah,Al Ain,RAk and other emirates) :

From Typing Centres

Visit any ICA accredited Typing centre in Uae with your supporting documents ,Typing centre executives will fill your application form.Pay the visa and service fees .Dont forget to take your reciept.

From Customer service Happiness centre

Visit any Customer service Happiness centre of Uae government with your documents.Submit all the documents to the customer service employee and your visa will be applied.

From Official Uae government Web portals

You can visit Uae Government ICP website or other portals to apply online Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa in dubai or abu dhabi .

Important points to remember before applying

  • If your application is been rejected three times due to unavailabilty of required information or documents,then the application will be cancelled.
  • Collect all the documents before applying and avoid the fees.
  • If the application is rejected by Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship,then Visa issuance fees will be only refunded.
  • Your application might be cancelled automatically if unable to provide data within 30 days.

How to apply online for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visa Visa Uae 2024

How to apply online for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae 2024

How to apply online for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Dubai

Follow the steps below to apply online Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae :

Visit ICP Portal

Go to the official website of UAE government ICP Website to apply online for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa UAE.
click here to go ICP PORTAL

Smart services

Select Smart services for individuals in the menu and select “VISA – Multiple Entry – LONG TERM TOURIST VISA -5 YEARS -Issue New visa “
Click here to go

Start the service

click on the start service button
click on the link to go directly to the Start service.

Fill application

Enter all the required details like :
-Mobile number
-Family details
-Address etc.

And click on next.
Note : Register Email address and Mobile number carefully where you need to get your visa details.
Entries with asterisk (*) sign are mandatory to fill.
Please make sure to enter accurate data while filling all fields specially (Occupation, Mother Name, Phone Numbers, email (if applicable), and address) knowing that your application will be rejected in case inaccurate data found

Upload Documents

Check the list of documents above required for applying Long term Tourist Visit Visa Uae ,Upload them and click on next.
Note : Documents may vary according to the information provided in the application.


Check all the entered details and attached documents before applying to avoid Rejection of the visa issuance.
Review all the Details and submit.

Pay Visa application fees

Pay the 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa fees which is given above .

Rate the Uae government service

Give ratings for the service provided by the portal and submit your reviews.


You will be notified on your registered email address for approval,rejection or cancellation status.

Did you like this article,please share and follow notification on our website to get direct news articles like this on your phone.Thank you for reading #dxbify.


Does anyone can apply for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa in Uae ?

Yes,for all nationalities.

How much is the Long Term Tourist Visit Visa cost ?

Approx Aed 3675 (price may vary at the time of application )

How many days it take to process the visa ?

7-14 working days (data provided )

What are the documents required for Multiple Entry 5 year Long Term Tourist Visit Visa Uae ?

Please check the article above

How to apply online 6 month Uae Job Search Visa

How to get 6 month Uae Job Search Visa | How to apply online 6 month(120 days) Uae Job Search Visa- Documents required, Processing time, Visa fees, full information and everything you need to know about processing of UAE 6 month Job Work Visa

How to get 6 month Uae Job Search Visa | How to apply online 6 month(120 days) Uae Job Search Visa- Documents required, Processing time, Visa fees, full information and everything you need to know about processing of UAE 6 month Job Work Visa

UAE government has been very helpful and supportive for all the nationalities coming to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other emirates to search for job. The Uae government has launched their UAE 6Month (120 days) Job Search Visa for everyone residing inside UAE or Outside Uae. It has become very easier to apply online for Uae 6 month Job work Visa in Just 15 minutes with all your documents ready.We will discuss how you can apply for Uae 6-month Job visa by yourself In just 15 minutes step by steps and all the required information you need to know about the processing of UAE 120 days job search visa. Check out the details below :

Documents Required for 6 month (120 days) Uae Job Search Visa

The main documents required for 6 month Uae Job Search Visa are as below :

  • Copy of the passport for whom the visa is been applied (Mandatory requirement)
  • Qualification certificates (Mandatory requirement)
  • Color photo of the individual (Mandatory requirement)

Optional documents (may vary according to the info filled in the application)

  • Copy of the Travelling Return Ticket (Optional)
  • Certified Account statement
  • Health Insurance
  • Different nationality cards(Pakistan, afghan, Iraqi, Iranian) may vary according to nationality.

Visa Fees for Uae Job Search Visa 6 months

Visa fees for the 6 months UAE Job Search Visa details are given below in chart :

Visa Service DetailsFees (Aed)

Aed 100

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How to avoid Job Visa and labor fraud in Dubai UAE

Processing Time for 6 month Uae Job Search Visa

It totally depends on the document details, your nationality, and many other factors. Right after the documents have been uploaded , Government will check the authenticity of your documents and approve the Visa . If your documents need more attention and clarity,you will be notified and it might take time to process then, however, the service time duration is to process the visa in 7-10 working day. We have seen people getting visas the next day of applying. So, why wait uploads your documents and enters your details , You will be notified with approval.

Centers/Places to apply for 6 month Uae Job Search Visa

You can apply for 6 month Uae Job Search Visa from the below places :

  • Nearest Typing center accredited from ICA.
  • You can apply from the Customer happiness center in Uae.
  • Apply online from the website or mobile app easily in just 10 minutes.

How to apply online for 6 months ( 120 Days) Job Search Visa in Uae

How to apply online for 6 months ( 120 Days)Job Search Visa in Uae

15 min 15 minutes

Visit ICP Portal

Go to the official website of UAE government ICP Website to apply online for 6 months UAE job search visa .
click here to go ICP PORTAL

Smart services

Select Smart services for individuals in the menu and select “VISA – SINGLE ENTRY – SEARCH FOR JOB 120 DAYS – ISSUE NEW VISA “.
Click here to go

Start service

Click on the start service button .

Fill Details

Fill all the application details carefully to avoid delay and cancellation of the application.
Note : Qualification details are mandatory.

Attach the Documents

Afterfinishing the application details,click on the Next button in the right hand side corner of the page and attach/upload all the documents asked by the system.Submit all the documents and click next.

Review Documents

Check and review all the documents attached/uploaded by you to avoid failure of your application.Check the details carefully before proceeding to Fees Payment page.

Pay fees

Pay the Visa application fees of 6 months UAE job search visa (Check details above for the fees).It may vary according to the information submitted by you.


Rate the service and Finish .

Recieve Visa by email

You will recieve the Visa service/related information on your registered email address after its been approved.In case if its not approved,You will be notified with the reason and will be asked to submit the documents/information again


How much security deposit is required for Uae 6 month Job search visa ?

Security deposit for Uae 6 month Job search visa is Aed 1025.

Where can I apply online for Uae 6 month Job search visa?

You can apply for Uae 6 month Job search visa from Uae government’s Official ICP website.
The link is given in the article above.

How much time does it take to get approval for UAE 6 month Job search visa ?

Time may vary according to the information provided by you in the application.The processing time is 7 working days.

How much is the Visa fees for Uae 6 month Job visa ?

The total fee for Uae 6 month Job visa is approx AED 1815 or more (may vary).