15 Best Stocks to buy in dubai 2024

best stocks to buy in dubai with large market cap

Thinking of snagging a piece of that Dubai desert gold through stocks ?

Ever wonder Can you buy stocks in dubai ?

The answer is simply, “Yes” and in easy way as buying gold from Souk.

Every country has their own local stock market where people buy or sell stocks digitally now a days.In Uae ,it is emerging with the growth of the country having 3 exchanges working together and having ample amount of investments coming from the foreign investors ,institutional investors,traders,etc.

Dubai boasts three markets :

  • Dubai Financial Market (DFM),
  • Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX)
  • Nasdaq Dubai

Each has its own flavor of companies, from local giants like Emaar Properties to international heavyweights like DP World.

The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) has emerged as a significant player in the region, attracting investors seeking exposure to the dynamic UAE economy.

However, before diving into the market, it’s crucial to understand the unique landscape and conduct thorough research. This article delves into key aspects of Dubai stocks, highlighting factors to consider before making investment decisions.

Understanding Dubai Stock market Overview 2024

Performance : The DFM has witnessed a positive trend in recent years, with the DFM General Index rising steadily. However, remember that past performance is not indicative of future results.

Key Sectors : Real estate, banking, finance, and consumer staples are major contributors, reflecting Dubai’s economic strengths. Additionally, sectors like technology and healthcare are gaining traction.

Liquidity : While liquidity has improved in recent years, it’s still lower compared to some developed markets. This can impact your ability to buy and sell shares quickly.

Exchange : Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and Nasdaq Dubai are the two primary exchanges, offering equities, Sukuk (Islamic bonds), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), and more.

Market Capitalization : As of January 2024, the combined market cap stands at roughly USD 130 billion, with DFM dominating.

Market Structure : The DFM primarily features ordinary shares, Sukuk (Islamic bonds), and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Market capitalization stands at around $89 billion, with a strong presence of local and regional companies.

Recent Performance : The DFM has witnessed positive performance in recent years, with the DFM General Index rising steadily. However, market fluctuations are inevitable, and understanding historical trends is crucial.

Points to consider before investing in Dubai stock Market

Company Analysis :

Financials : Scrutinize the company’s financial statements, including revenue growth, profitability, debt levels, and cash flow. Look for a sustainable business model with a clear path to profitability.

Management : Assess the management team’s track record, experience, and qualifications. Strong leadership is vital for navigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities.

Industry Trends : Understand the industry’s overall health, growth prospects, and potential risks. Look for companies well-positioned to benefit from industry tailwinds.

Valuation :

Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) : Compare the company’s P/E ratio to its industry peers and historical averages. A high P/E ratio might indicate the stock is overvalued, while a low P/E could signal undervaluation.

Dividend Yield : Consider the company’s dividend history and payout ratio. Dividends provide regular income, but prioritize companies with sustainable dividend policies.

Risk Tolerance :

Individual Risk Profile : Assess your own risk tolerance and investment goals. Dubai stocks can be volatile, so align your investments with your risk appetite.

Market Volatility : Be aware of the inherent volatility of the DFM and broader market conditions. Diversification across sectors and asset classes can mitigate risk.

Regulation and Compliance :

Understand the regulations : Familiarize yourself with the DFM’s trading rules, disclosure requirements, and investor protection mechanisms.

Brokerage Selection : Choose a reputable and licensed broker with a strong track record and transparent fees.

15+ stocks to buy in dubai with large Market Cap 2024

1. Emaar Properties PJSC


MARKET CAP : 68.05 Billion Aed

EPS : 0.52

SECTOR : Real estate

2. Dubai Islamic Bank P.J.S.C.


MARKET CAP : 46.181 Billion Aed

EPS : 0.53

SECTOR : Banking

3. Emirates NBD PJSC


MARKET CAP : 111.804 Billion AED

EPS : 1.38

SECTOR : Banking

4. Dubai Taxi Co PJSC


MARKET CAP : 5.725 Billion Aed

SECTOR : Transport services

5. Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co PJSC


MARKET CAP : 26.06 Billion Aed

SECTOR : Telecommunications

6. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (PJSC)


MARKET CAP : 122 Billion Aed

SECTOR : Utilities

7. Emirates Islamic Bank PJSC 


MARKET CAP : 40.185 Billion Aed

EPS : 0.15

SECTOR : Banking

8. National Central Cooling Company PJSC


MARKET CAP : 9.389 Billion Aed

EPS : 0.2110

SECTOR : Public sector

9. Salik Company PJSC



SECTOR : Transport



MARKET CAP : 28.36 Billion Aed

SECTOR : Real estate

11. Dubai Financial Market P.J.S.C.


MARKET CAP : 10.554 Billion aed

EPS : 0.0130

SECTOR : Finance

12. Dubai Investments PJSC


MARKET CAP :10.077 Billion Aed

EPS : 0.1460

SECTOR : Real estate

13. Mashreqbank PSC


MARKET CAP : 41.12 Billion Aed

EPS : 5.00

SECTOR : Banking

14 . Air Arabia PJSC


MARKET CAP : 13.86 Billion Aed

EPS : 0.1540


15. Al Ansari Financial Services PJSC 


MARKET CAP : 8.025 Billion Aed

Sector : Financial Services

Aboev 15 high value market stocks in DFM (Dubai Financial Market) 2024 will help you valuate your invetsments in Major big companies and some 21 brokers which we have listed it for you (click)

Investor To do checklist :

  • Define your investment goals and risk tolerance.
  • Conduct thorough research on the DFM and Nasdaq Dubai markets.
  • Analyze potential sectors and identify promising companies.
  • Evaluate individual company fundamentals and valuations.
  • Assess the liquidity and volatility of your chosen stocks.
  • Stay informed about economic news, regulations, and market trends.
  • Consider seeking professional financial advice if needed.

Bonus Tips :

Stay Informed : Keep up-to-date with market news, company announcements, and economic developments that could impact your investments.

Seek Professional Advice : Consider consulting a financial advisor for personalized guidance based on your unique circumstances and investment goals.

Start Small : Begin with smaller investments to gain experience and confidence before committing larger sums.

Remember, investing in any stock market carries inherent risks.

By conducting thorough research, understanding the Dubai market’s nuances, and carefully considering your individual circumstances, you can make informed investment decisions and navigate the exciting opportunities the DFM presents.

We hope this might add some value in your stock market knowledge in UAE.

Keep tune in to DXBIFY ,as we are about to bring some free stock market courses for you very soon.

Until then,

Stay safe and secure.

Disclaimer : This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.Dxbify will not be responsible for your financial investments.

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