How to check dubai,U.a.e visit visa status online by Passport / visa no (file validity) – uae visit visa status online,abudhabi visit visa status online,full step by step process .
Do you think your Uae visit visa has been expired or you dont know till when your visit visa in dubai will be valid.It might give severe pain if you dont keep a track of it .Today we have brougth some easy simple steps for you to avoid penalities and overstay fines in dubai.The simple process of how to check dubai visit visa status wills ave your time and money in many ways.So stay tuned into DXBIFY-connecting dubai.
How to check dubai visit visa status online in U.a.e
Dubai is a city of modern age where life becomes easy with digital mode and the UAE government is taking all necessary steps to bring life in dubai (dxb) hassle free.An important document,Visa which is required by an tourist individual,traveller or other residency holder to reside inside the country ,UAE.
Thankfullly ,all the people in dubai have the access to these easy services to check their visa status online in dubai (DXB)
How to check dubai visit visa status online by passport number in U.A.E
05 min 5 minutes
Step 1 :

Click on this link
This is Uae government official link ,you can open in computer or your mobile phone also ,It will loook like this below image:
Step 2 :

Click on the search by option named as “PASSPORT INFORMATION ” and then select the type “visa ”
Step 3 :

Type your passport information in the below section with your “passport number and Passport expiry date”.
Step 4 :

Check the nationality option and find out your nationality from the scroll down menu .fill the details.
Step 5 :

Click on the captcha and wait for the page to load to say -I’m not a robot or select the told graphics if you get .
Step 6 :

Click on the search button and make sure that all information provided by you is correct.
Step 7 :

You will get the result like this sample below image and check your dubai visit visa expira date and issuance date in the information
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Read this also :
How much time it take to check Dubai,U.A.E visit visa status online ?
Less than 5 minutes
What documents do i need to check dubai visit visa status online ?
Passport details only
Where can I check dubai,U.A.E visit visa status online ?
Is the Dubai visa different than U.A.E visa ?
NO. There is no dubai visa only UAE country visa is there which is valid in all the 7 emirates.