Travel Agency Business Idea in UAE | How to start Travel Agency Business in Dubai – Business plan, Profit, Model, Card,Risk,Registeration,How to,Tourism service,Industry,Management,Work
Travel Agency,All time popular business of all countries and especially in dubai ,it is one of the industry which gives the highest revenue to the government in UAE.Tourism Industry has grown to very large scale in UAE with international events happening in UAE,Proclaimed artists performing in Dubai and many more.It has happened only after the Tourism Industry of UAE has grown to that scale.Now,you must be wondering why we are talking about Tourism ,yes that’s where Travel agency Business Takes Place.Travel Agency business is a Part of Tourism & Travel Industry ,it can be for leisure or personal purposes.
Today ,we are going to guide on How to open Travel Agency in Dubai UAE ,how much profit you can generate,how much cost it will include to set up Travel Agency Business in UAE,what are the documents required,license registerations,scope of Travel Agency In Dubai and Everything oyu need to Know about Travel Agency Business will be discussed .Lets start with Understanding the Basics :
What is Travel Agency | What is Travel Agency Business
In simple Terms,When you visit other Places apart from your current Location it includes traveling withing the country or Travelling to another country ,we require Travel Agency who can guide us to take care about all the facilites required to visit any country or Information required to visit any country as a Tourist.
Travel Agency Business is the business where you have to start your own Travel agency for the purpose to provide Travel related services to the People like Bookings,Itinerary,Visa services,Tour Guides and many more.
Market Research/Demand of Travel Agency Business
UAE as a Nation is one of the world’s most alluring vacationer locations. It has drawn in great many travelers consistently and that number is simply going to increment before long. Since UAE as a nation is rapidly becoming well known among individuals all around the world as an ideal traveler objective, it draws in various business financial backer from everywhere the world who anticipates setting up their own travel industry in the country.
Scope of Travel Agency Business
According to the Data Released by World Tourism Organization ,Dubai (UAE) ranks among the Top 10 countries whose sole revenue comes from the Travel and Tourism Industry.The estimation of increasing the Travel and tourism sector in UAE is to 60 % by 2040.
30% of the Businesses in UAE provide Travel and Tourism services (Hotels,Apartments,Attractions ,etc ).The scope of Travel Agency Business in Dubai after looking to the reports and actual figure ,we decide it is going to be long sustainable Business to set up in Dubai UAE.
Services Provided by Travel Agency Business
There are many Services Provide by Travel Agency ,for which we have listed some below :
- Flight Bookings
- Hotel Bookings
- Visa Services
- Tour Services
- Tour Guides
Total Cost of Travel Agency Business
Total cost of Investment in Travel Agency Business in UAE will depend on various factors like :
- License cost : Approx Aed 25000 or more
- Rent : Depending on the location
- Visa Fees : For Employees & owners
- Miscellaneous :
Profits of Travel Agency Business in Dubai UAE
Travel agency Buisness Profit totally depends on the type of clients you are serving .If you are providing hotel bookings,tour guides,Visa services,Flight Bookings ,Trip organizers and Tour Guides,You can earn more than 100 K in a month on a medium scale and the profit will be 100 % yours for the solo services and comission based for the party services.
Best Season for Travel Agency Business in Dubai UAE
UAE is a world popular destination to travel in moderate winter season to celebrate New Year,X-Mas,party,live events ,tours,etc.Travellers like to travel in Dubai from the month of October -March when the wheather is moderate with the temperature.The Best season for Tavel Agency Business in Dubai UAE is September – April.
License Requirement | Document Requirements of Travel Agency Business
Documents required to open Travel agency business in Uae totally relies on the option you choose,either you decide to open as LLC for whic the process is lengthy or as Sole properitorship in UAE .
Documents required for Travel agency Business in Uae as below :
- Passport Copy of the Business Owner/Investors
- Passport-size Photographs
- Uae residence proof (optional)
- and other documents according to the option you choose
How to start Travel Agency Business in Dubai UAE | How to open Travel Agency Business in UAE
How to start Travel Agency Business in Dubai UAE | How to open Travel Agency Business in UAE
Business Plan Layout
Before starting the process of opening Travel Agency Business in Dubai ,you need to decide the nature of your business activities you will be providing to your customers as INBOUND OR OUTBOUND Tour Operator.
Deciding Company Name
A crucial step to Go further with deciding your Company’s Brand Name.while choosing to set up a specific sort of travel service you need to pick the right name for your organization according to the naming attributes of the country.
Applying for License
To start any new Business idea in UAE,either small or Big you need to apply for LIcense in that category of your Buisness.To open a Travel agency Business in Dubai ,you need to Hvae Tourism License issued by DED.
Decding the Visa requirements
After the Tourism License has been obtained by the business owner or investor ,now it;s time to apply Visas for the employees who wll be working under the Business.This can be done from the Mnistry of Interior Website online E- portals.After granting of visa ,change of status can be done easli indise the country too.
Go to Ministry Of Interior Uae with this Link– CLICK HERE
Choosing Business Bank Account
After all the procedure is been done,you can choose the bank where you need to open your corporate or business account which is to be registered with your business.The bank account terms and conditions may vary depending on the bank you chhose,however you need to maintain minimum balance still.
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Benefits of Travel Agency Business
- Long Sustainable Business
- Multiple options to give services.
- Low cost Business
How to do Marketing of Travel Agency Business in Uae
Marketing for Travel Agency Business is very much important factor to grow in the Industry,You can grow your Travel Agency Business in Uae by following marketing methods :
- Running Online Advertisements on Social Media or Websites.
- Campaigns for the best services Offer.
- Promotions on Holidays,Events,festivals and more.
- Approaching business comapnies,clients for Bulk orders
- Promote in RTA Transportation services like Metro,Taxi & Tram.
Risks in Travel Agency Business
There are not many risks involved in Travel Agency Business but yes all type of business include some minor risks same like that there are rsiks involved in Travel Agency Business too like :
- Off Season
- Competition
- Services
- Time involved to Grow
How much time does it take to open Travel agency business in UAE ?
Depends on many factors like documents processing,visa processing,Availaibility of Investment funds .Maximum in 30-45 days you can move into your new business set up in Uae.
what is the best season for Travel Agency Business ?
Can other countries nationals open Travel Agency business in Uae ?
Will I get Investor visa ?